2013. november 29., péntek

BKV case: it was a normal contest

The BKV case trial continued with the former leader of the department of investment’s hearing today on the Kecskemét Tribunal. The witness was heard in the count of the C. C. Soft Ltd. accusation. On the hearing he made it obvious: this company made the best offer for the configuration of the passenger informant system.

The former leader of the department started to work at the transportation company in 1974, and in the lack of 10 days he was working there for 35 years, until May, 2008. He led the department of the investment from March, 1997 until August, 2007, when because of the realignment he became to the front of the developmental department. About the questioned period – summer of 2007 – he said that at that time the department controlled 170-180 investments. 

2013. november 23., szombat

The accusations with the C.C. Soft are misty – reporting from the court room

Not one question came up in the people after the Thursday’s hearing of the BKV case. The technical terms like interface XM 25, data link, guards just fluttered. The court’s and the reader’s situation is not easy. We will try to clear this up, howsoever the situation with the I/14 count seems like misty.

Because of course what just happened in a ”shallow and rough-and-ready” way?

There is a several billion forint project, in it’s maiden name, the whole reconstruction of the Szentendre’s local train, which is proceed in it’s own way, in practice it had to be ready for the fall of 2007. However the modernization of the passenger informant system is dropped out of it, which of course should be do in lightening steps, after all the fall is coming, the school season is coming.

BKV case: absurd mix-up in the court room – Stop.hu article

On the Kecskemét Tribunal they would prove the condition of the local train’s passenger informant system in 2008 with photos which were taken in 2011. From this it became a comical mix-up, but they still couldn’t prove the accusation.

On the Thursday’s hearing on the carpet it was again the accusations of the contracts with the C. C. Soft. The witnesses who were heard were the responsible people in the department of the investment of the local train’s passenger informant system. One of them, F. P. as he said, he feels that in the October of 2007 at the explosion of the media scandal he became in the position like this because he was inexperienced and manageable. He stated that for November, 2007 the testing could start and however a lot of mistakes were revealed, the workers of the C. C. Soft did everything for the insurance of the system’s working. The witness stated in his investigation testimony that Zsolt Balogh, that time deputy CEO of the BKV, took in the decision power. With this he would have support the concept of the accusation but for the questions of the defense he said that from the defendants, no one ordered him to any outlawry or committal of an abuse. Attila Antal, the former CEO of the BKV, in his observation he noted that if F. P. wouldn’t have signed the achievement certification which are in the accusation then they couldn’t paid the C. C. Soft, and then the project would have been stopped which the witness was responsible for. 

BKV case: the local train’s display is on the carpet

On the yesterday’s hearing of the BKV the counts with the C. C. Soft were on the carpet. The court heard two witnesses who were the responsible people of the project in the company’s department of investments in 2007 when the company established the passenger informant system of the Szentendre’s local train. 

For the end of the day it revealed: during their activity they had no sign to the management of the transportation company that would include that the project wouldn’t fulfill.

2013. november 12., kedd

The official people who works in the BKV case can get 10 years

The bill submitted by MSZP not long ago would punish official people with the possibility of 10 years imprisonment – that way also the prosecutors and the investigators working on the BKV case – who produce made-up evidences or if they participate in this action with malfeasant tools.

The defendants and witnesses involved in the BKV case during the hearing reported one after the other that they’ve made their previous testimonies which were incriminatory to others under humiliating circumstances, directionally, coercion interrogations as a result of the interrogating investigators’ and policemen’s threats.

Even Zsolt Balogh, the case’s key witness and at the same time defendant also admitted that the reason behind his incriminatory statements (for example about the Nokia box) during the election campaign was that he wanted to meet the expectations and to avoid jail. “I’m not a hero, I didn’t want anything else just to go home” – he confessed before the court.

Coercions, magisterial impositions in the Hagyó-case - SUMMARY

Gábor Tóth police superintendent during the whole investigation of the BKV case stated confidently about the process. He undertook it with name that they have the investigation in their hand and he was talking about new evidences and about conclusions what they got from the investigation testimonies.

Contrarily the testimonies which were heard in the case’s trial in Kecskemét from the defendants and from the witnesses sharply confronted with the testimonies of the concerned in the investigation period. From the main defendants and from the witnesses most of them unsaid their investigation testimonies and in the court they did a new testimony. They said about their earlier, incriminatory testimonies against others that they only did it because of police threat, in the exchange of their lives, in humiliation circumstances, it was directional and under coercion.

Ernő Mesterházy, the former advisor of Gábor Demszky on the court he offended the investigators, he called his brought to justice a recklessly violator process. He indicated that he is standing uncomprehendingly in front of the process against him which, according to him „conception, recklessly violator and it’s obligate to serve a political, human, and financial disable”. Moreover he said that according to the record the questioning was for almost 11 hours but the result was only two pages long, the investigation authorities humiliated him and tried to convince him to say an incriminatory testimony against Miklós Hagyó and if he does it than they will let him go from detention.

Capacity and competence – we report from the court room

The consulting contracts signed by AAM Ltd were discussed again on Tuesday at the BKV case’s hearing.

The last Tuesday hearing was an interesting day in the history of the „strudel dough length” BKV case. The honorable court discussed the count regarding the AAM Ltd’s consulting contracts, obviously not for the first time. Given that more witnesses have already spoken regarding these contracts, but now the company’s onetime CEO was standing before the court.

And he didn’t hold himself back.

For the judge’s question he already stated it in his first sentence that he doesn’t understand how the company lead by him got into this case. In his person he is feeling himself offended that regarding the AAM Ltd’s activities because of the politics and the media, the company’s professional reputation has been damaged. This thought followed through the witness’s testimony.

With the contract splitting, the BKV lost billions – Népszava article

The AAM Ltd’s consulting contracts were discussed again on Tuesday, on another day of the BKV case’s hearings. According to the AAM Ltd’s onetime president and CEO, regarding the total investment the amount of loss can be measured in 10 million forints what they could’ve saved if the BKV wouldn’t have terminated the contract with the company.

The witness was a founder of the AAM Ltd. in 1994, where he was managing director until 2003 and then CEO until December 31 2007, since then he is the president of the company. The AAM finished his first job for the BKV in 1996 and in the following years they’ve been in continuous contact with the transportation company completing annually 1-2 assignments for 5-10 million forints. Since 1999 administrative authorities were also clients of the company, as market leaders they were in the BKV’s prequalification system for 15 years. The company employed 230 people in 2007 from which 140 had 5-8 years of experience. 

The AAM did a useful work for the BKV

The court heard another witness about the contract of the investment made in Subway line 4 on the BKV case’s Thursday hearing. After the hearing’s day it is getting cleaner: the AAM Ltd. did a useful work for the BKV and for the owner, Budapest.

Z.D. who was summoned as a witness was working at the BKV since 1988, until September 2007 when Attila Antal, that time CEO of the BKV terminated the contract by common assent. Since 1990 he was working as project manager, decision preparatory and as a public procurement expert, then from 2004 from the ask of Botond Aba he was leading the directorate of the innovation and public procurement until July, 2007, when after the organizational converts he got into the head of the engineering directorate as the deputy CEO.

2013. november 11., hétfő

Remarkable turn: the project director doesn’t accuse Miklós Hagyó

There has been a turn in the BKV case on the Tuesday hearing, since the leader of the Subway line 4 project company unsaid his negative statements given by him during the investigation concerning the first accused Miklós Hagyó as a result of the questions of the defense and the documentary evidences.

At the Kecskemét Tribunal the witness who was the leader of the innovation Éva H. for example stated regarding Hagyó’s press person that the way she knew that the lady worked for the former deputy lord mayor is that he talked with her about it. However the defenders presented contracts that have proven that the witness has left the project before Éva H. started to work at the City Hall.

Hagyó case: according to a former AAM coworker the analyses for the BKV were necessary- HVG article

A witness considered the analytical and the subway investment screening materials made by AAM Ltd. to BKV – who were associates during that time - useful and necessary on the Thursday hearing of the case against Miklós Hagyó former socialist deputy lord mayor and his associates at the Kecskemét Tribunal.

The AAM signed 3 contracts in 2007, during the time of the accusation with the BKV. In these contracts they undertook the assignment of screening the subway investment, supporting the coordinating tasks of the Subway line 4 project, and also the expert support of the highlighted projects of the transportation company. The witness - who was the leading consultant of the AAM Ltd. during the time of the accusation - firmly traversed those statements of the indictment which says that the company performed unnecessary services for the BKV Ltd.

BKV case: the consultancy wasn’t unnecessary

The BKV case’s new testimony also didn’t favor the accusation: it has been revealed that based on the consulting contract - the subject of the accusation - an outside company did a useful and important job for the transportation company regarding the Subway line 4 investment

The witness who requested his personal information’s closed handling and who was questioned on the hearing was working as the company’s leading consultant. The witness answered the questions about 3 contracts, including the consulting contracts related to Subway line 4, which was also discussed.

As he said, the company already worked for the BKV in 1996. He stated about the contract related to the subway that the person who was responsible for the investment contacted them about the company making a study regarding the situation of the project. 

The actual signing of the contract happened after the arrangements have been made with the former CEO of the BKV. There was a two week deadline for the first phase, so the fulfillments have been made before the signing of the contract and has been started right after the verbal agreement. 8-10 consultants worked on the assignment in 12-13 hours a day. The witness gave a detailed report about the work they’ve done. It has been revealed from his report that they’ve done a great amount of work in a short time.

2013. november 10., vasárnap

Hagyó case - The number 31 witness called two contracts useful

The Hagyó case’s number 31 witness considered two BKV contracts important and useful on the Tuesday hearing at the Kecskemét Tribunal. They questioned the witness in connection to the accusations of the AAM Zrt. and the Montana Zrt.
The witness was brought to BKV Zrt. by the recommendation of Gábor Demszky, former lord mayor of the SZDSZ and he worked as deputy chief executive officer at BKV from April 2007 to December 2008 then left the transportation company with a several 10 million forints “step-down fee”.

They projected the electronic mails - which were sent by Montana to BKV - on the wall of the courtroom, but no substantial information connected to the project could’ve been found.

The accusation weakened again in the BKV case

The BKV case continued with the hearing of two witnesses at the Kecskemét Tribunal. Both of them made a statement about the investment made in Subway line 4, and about a job ordered by a consulting firm. They didn’t confirm the accusations.

One of the witnesses of the BKV case’s Tuesday hearing was Imre Ikvai-Szabó, who was working as Budapest’s deputy lord mayor at the same time as Miklós Hagyó. While Hagyó was responsible for the professional matters at the cabinet, Ikvai-Szabó was responsible for the financial ones. As he told, the disbursement system of the public utility companies was regulated so closely, that in practice, the City Hall didn’t have a say in the matter. He and Hagyó primarily dealt with contracts that exceeded the 5-10 billion forint value, such as the 500 billion forint worth Subway line 4 projects. He didn’t understand that meanwhile they dissect half million forint worth contracts at the hearing.

Coercion interrogations, magisterial malfeasances in the Hagyó case – WITNESSES (5th part) – RELOADED

In the hearings period of the BKV case, which is became called as the Hagyó case, the defendants and the witnesses in the case recalled their testimonies which was the biggest storm stirred

A lot of them referred to the fact that during the investigation against the Public Transportation Ltd. of Budapest and against a few former leaders of Budapest there happened several magisterial malfeasances. Ones reported about coercions, others revealed a lot of malpractices from the police during the investigation.

The police documents are bristles from the caveats. The defendants brought the attention to the court for falsely dated, lost documents and for documents which can have the forgery suspicion.

Our blog started a series for the explorations of these malfeasances. On the fifth round please get to know another case’s defendant – which known as the airport bribery- , György Sziebert’s story, observations. 

What are the concrete accusations from the prosecution against Hagyó in the connection with the subway line 4?

The BKV case continued in the Kecskemét court on the Tuesday’s hearing with the count which is about the study of the Subway line 4. The I/21. count numerically is the most remarkable accusation against Miklós Hagyó. Nevertheless that the making of the reports about the project wasn’t even in the scope of the former deputy lord mayor.

According to the accusation the unneeded study was ordered by the BKV from the AAM Ltd. for 50 million forints, but according to the accusation the city hall should have paid for it. According to the indictment in the end of December, 2006, Hagyó ordered Attila Antal who was at that time the CEO of the BKV that he has to get the analysis work done with the AAM Ltd. But about from the indictment it doesn’t come out clearly if the accusation entail against Hagyó that the quid pro quo of the contract should have been paid from other resource, or that the contract per se was unneeded. 

BKV case: the project which is hampered from inside

They heard more witnesses, including az expert on the Thursday’s BKV hearing in Kecskemét. If it wouldn’t be about a serious issue we could bravely state that the result turned out to be funny.

The expert IT witness earlier called the passenger informant system on the line of the local train a homemade do it yourself. At that time he stated that the system was working on 76 percent and according to him it didn’t even count as working. But now it turned out that the expert didn’t possess neither with profession in the connection of transportation nor with experience. For the answer of the questions from the defense he answered that during the audit he was only checking directly only one station where he was talking to BKV workers, and the other displays he only saw it when he passed at the other stations. He also said that he didn’t have time to disarm and check any of it. 

2013. október 24., csütörtök

„Homemade do it yourself” in the Hagyó case

The expert IT witness called, on the Thursday’s trial against Miklós Hagyó (who is the former deputy lord mayor) and his associates, a few elements of the passenger informant system at the local train between Batthyány and Békásmegyer which was constructed for 118 million forint.

According to the expert witness who was asked by the court the passenger informant system’s display was unsuitable for the function, the software of the system didn’t work as the calling for tender said.

Ibolya Hadnagy, the board leader judge is continuing the process of proof since the second day about the passenger informant system which was constructed by the C. C. Soft Ltd., and which according to the accusation made 118 million forints of damage for the BKV Ltd. 

2013. október 23., szerda

BKV case: the expert who supported the accusation washed-out

The BKV case trial continued on the Kecskemét Tribunal on Thursday with dissect of the BKV’S contracts with the connection of the local train of Szentendre. 

The prosecution tried to prove that the system is overpriced and it was a bad quality with the cancellation of BKV workers. According to the defenders they heard in irregular way and as a witness the CEOs of the two other applicant companies who lost. For example one of them stated distinctly if he is biased in the case or not.

During the testimonies it was even more surprising turn that the directors of the companies who lost – former BKV workers – in contrast with the C. C. Soft Ltd. they worked together towards the win of the 100 million forint contract. One of them for example participated in the transcript of the tender. The defendants could prove that the losers of the project prohibited the fulfillment of the contract from inside of the BKV. 

2013. október 21., hétfő

BKV case: other accusations fell

The prosecution got off 5 contracts from the counts. Again a document just turned up which wasn’t revealed for the defense. Since Tuesday it’s still big works in the BKV case.

It’s not the first time when a proof just turned out in the BKV case which was not shown to the defense. At this time it was about a letter where the CEO of the C.C. Soft wrote that outsider mistakes and connection problems with other companies set back the configuration works of the passenger informant system. 

The BKV case is starting tomorrow – Népszava article

Tomorrow the BKV case is continuing with an interesting count in the Kecskemét Tribunal. The next count’s weirdness, which is connected to the BKV’s passenger informant system, that Balogh Zsolt, the former CEO of the BKV, in his testimony against Miklós Hagyó (who is the deputy lord mayor),he admitted an accounting sheet as his own when in reality he didn’t even signed it.

According to the indictment the contract with the C.C. Soft Ltd, which was about the configuration of the Local Train of Szentendre’s visual passenger informant system, made 118,8 million forints of financial disadvantage for the transportation company. In the company’s inside enquiry report in February, 2010, and in the accusation it says that the partial invoices, the efficiency certifications, and the accounting sheets which were connected to the contract was signed by Balogh. Moreover, Balogh also stated this in his testimony in March, 2010. 

2013. október 20., vasárnap

So far there is no decision for 150 days – Dear Constitutional Court, the summer holiday is over!

So far there is no decision from the Constitutional Court since 150 days in the case of the lawsuit transferences, so thus not even in the BKV case which is a special case.

We already wrote on the 120th day of the waiting that the Constitutional Court on the 21st of April, 2013 questioned Handó Tünde who is the president of the National Judicial Office with the lawsuits transferences and with the constitutional complaint in the connection of Miklós Hagyó and his associates. The complaint was born because they transferred the BKV case to the Kecskemét Tribunal (which Tribunal is already proved with political bias in the Zuschlag case) without the possibility of a remedy against the decision. The questioning happened with the exclusion of the public and the concerned people. 

2013. július 31., szerda

"There was no precedent for a black ops campaign against somebody - 2010 february"

"There was no precedent for a black ops campaign against somebody - 2010 february"

(Photo Source: www.pecsistop.hu)

Here you can find another video about Miklós Hagyó. It's about the time when he was charged and because of the selections he had to resign from his district and from his Budapest mandate in the interest of the campaign.



Here we have included academic recognition which the case has received.

Kecskemét Tribunal

Here we have included academic recognition which the case has received.

The Indictment

Here you can view the original indictment related to the trial of Miklós Hagyó and the other associates of the Budapest Transit Company (BKV). Since the debut of the trial, the prosecution has altered the charges and other information which make up the indictment. Unfortunately, this most up-to-date version is still not available. Nevertheless, the original charges and the prosecution’s general theory can be viewed.

Period of Investigation

Here you can find information related to the unofficial accusations against Miklós Hagyó in the trial of the 15 associates of the Budapest Transit Company (BKV).

Most of the charges against Hagyó in the BKV trial originated from public statements made by Zsolt Balogh, who served as an interim CEO of the public transportation company.

State Audit Office of Hungary

Here you can find documents directly and indirectly related to the audit of Hagyó Miklós' deputy mayoral office and administration. The audit was conducted by the SAOH while Hagyó was in pretrial detention.

Legal Summary of criminal procedure initiated upon the denunciation of the State Audit Office against Miklós Hagyó.

The Unacceptability of Miklós Hagyó's Pretrial Detention

This is a very informative piece detailing the battle between Hagyó, usually acting through his lawyer,and the Hungarian judicial system. 

This document, like many others, has been translated in an effort to communicate Hagyó’s story to the world outside of Hungary. If issues of comprehension arise while reading this, please contact us at info@hagyomiklos.com

Miklós Hagyó's detention issue is quite simple. After reviewing the available documents here, anyone can decide - at least imposed on itself - whether the prior arrest of Miklós Hagyó is consistent with the Hungarian laws or even with basic common sense of ordinary logic.

The Official Acquittal: The Summary of the Legal Proceeding against Miklós Hagyó and Others in Relation to the Alleged Forgery of Private Documents

Re’sume’ of the legal proceeding against Miklós Hagyó and others because of forgery of Private Document 

2012th on January 16 Miklós Hagyó, his common law wife and his lawyer, Dr. Viktor Géza Szűcs were cleared of a charge of forgery-private documents by the court of first instance. On the ground of the published media reports probably was difficult to follow exactly what the case is about, therefore we tried to easily summarize with the facts of the accusation and clearing, we analyzed the law background of the case, and finally we discussed the solicitous in connection with prosecutor's procedure.

What exactly happened?

2013. július 24., szerda

A new memorial stone was unveiled in the public cemeteryfor the 1848/49 gypsy heroes

On March 14 at 2:00 o’clock pm., in the Budapest New Public Cemetery at the „freedom fighters of 1848/49 plot, a memorial stone was solemnly inaugurated for the Rom (gypsy)national defense soldiers, the national guards and heroes who died a heroic death in 1848/49.

In Hungary, up to now no memorial stone had ever been inaugurated for the Rom (gypsy) freedom fighters of the said revolution.

2013. június 27., csütörtök

The MSZP Local Governments, host children from Transylvania

So far, more than 200 children received accommodations in Hungary. Local socialist governments shall give accommodation to flood stricken families’ children in the near future. The Party has offered a $ 1 million donation to the Hungarian Red Cross to aid the flood-stricken inhabitants of the municipalities.

Miklós Hagyó announced that the children from Székelyudvarhely, Galambfalva, Farkaslak, Siménfalva, Korond, Bikafalva, and Bögöz, will be coming to Hungary.

Party executive Istvan Hiller, related that if the rainfall in Transylvania continued, the Socialist Government would call upon the assistance of the Hungarian Red Cross and ask them to promote the popularity of their bank account for donation purposes.


Left-wing appeal led to the collection of two loads of relief supplies collected the MSZP charitable aid section and a load departed from Nyárlőrincről on Friday to flood-stricken Romanian towns.

2013. június 21., péntek

"EL Miklós Hagyó: I am very tired and I am very happy"

After a long walk of Thirty-five days, thought the path of El Camino, Mr.Hagyó Budapest Deputy Mayor is back home.

Answering the question: would he redo his trip he said that he couldn’t answer at the moment, he would needa good night’s sleep before he could answer.

Mr.Hagyó declared:” Budapest, will be a good host."

The direction of Budapest city hall, - during a ceremonial lunch - welcomed the signatories of the document relating to the organization for the 2010 European swimming championships.

On Sunday, in the framework of a ceremony, the European Swimming Federation, the Hungarian Swimming Association and the Hungarian Government, implemented a signed agreement concerning the organization of the 2010 year’s Diver, Artistic swimmer and open water Swimming Championships . 

"Mr.Miklós Hagyó greatly helped over the past two years."

The home artistic swimmers postponed the proposed extraordinary meeting aimed at nominating a new President within a week. On Thursday, Mr.Laszló Szimandl, the Hungarian synchronized swimming Association (MSZSZ) Secretary General told MTI, that the reason why he was setting the summit forum on February 20, was because by then, it might be possible to sort out the differences between them and get to solve the current upheaval, which meant the resignation of President Mr.Hagyó, a Members of the Presidency. The suggested successor was to be Imre Pesti , a Fidesz politician.

(Photo Source: index.hu)

In the wake of the BKV (Budapest Transportation commission) scandals, the deputy-Mayor was forced to leave office in January, then, in December, the Socialist politician renounced his social functions, leaving the post vacant. The Association continued its operations without a President, but could not really function well after that.

Deputy Mayor-President of the synchronized swimming-sub-association

After the resignation of Mr.Csaba Haranghy, an extraordinary general meeting was held for a new President to be elected by the Hungarian synchronized swimming sub associations. Dr. Deputy Mayor Hagyó, a MOB member, was elected President.

The Presidency was also renewed, Gábor Csapó an Olympic champion, a water polo player and Olympic athlete Tamas Dala, a member of the water polo Olympic team, became members of the Executive Committee of the association. 

Miklós Hagyó’s boycott

Miklós Hagyó, Budapest’s Deputy Mayor is also active as supervisor in the field of sports. He is also a member of the Hungarian Olympic Committee and as Chairman of the Hungarian synchronized swimming team. He has declared that the events in Tibet, under the Chinese leadership have suffered a great deal on the human rights scale.

This offensive behavior is vehemently rejected as unacceptable. This Socialist politician calls upon all politicians, regardless of party affiliation, to join in the initiative to protest and denounce this offensive breach to human rights.

2013. május 28., kedd

The Handó record is secret for 10 years

The voice record which was made on the closed doors hearing of the president of the National Judicial Office is not public for 10 years. The Constitutional Court only published the epitome of the record on their website. From this not a lot is coming out: according to the epitome of the record Handó mostly was talking about the overloaded situation of the courts. 

(Photo Source: nepszava.hu)

As we already reported, Handó Tünde, the president of the NJO – wife of Szájer József, who is a Fidesz party representative in the European Parliament – had to account for her power about the case transferences in front of the board. According to the order of the Constitutional Court’s standing orders the voice record is a „secret” for 10 years. The order says: about the hearings they made voice records, which will be provision by the Secretary for 10 years, „the voice record is not public until the time of the provision”. Our paper is trying to get the record from the board in the form of public interest data application. 

2013. május 15., szerda

Decision from the European Court of Human Rights in 2013

(Application no. 52624/10)


23 April 2013

This judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44 § 2 of the Convention. It may be subject to editorial revision.

Application to the European Court of Human Rights from Miklós Hagyó in 2010

The applicant, Mr Miklós Hagyó, is a Hungarian national who was born in 1967 and lives in Budapest. He is represented before the Court by Mr A. Kádár, a lawyer practising in Budapest.

A Witch Hunt: Éva Horváth’s Testimony in the Light of Hagyó vs Hungary

In January of this year, followers of the trial of Miklós Hagyó and 14 associates of the Budapest Transit Company (BKV) heard the testimony from defendant #6 Éva Horváth. Her testimony is not remarkable at this moment because she withdrew previous investigation testimonies. Nearly all of the defendants have in fact withdrawn their investigation testimonies citing that their accusations where made out of fear of harsher treatment from the investigators. 

No, Horváth’s testimony is that much more interesting today because of two things: her described experience in pretrial detention in a Hungarian jail and the recent ruling from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) about Hagyó’s pretrial detention circumstances.

Found: Another Budapest Promotional Video From Miklós Hagyó

In this short, slightly humorous clip another view of Miklós Hagyó is available, along with some fuzzy shots of the beautiful city of Budapest.

A Video Clip from RTL: Hagyó and the Trip on El Camino

In 2010, around the time the Hagyó story was all over the Hungarian news, RTL broadcasted this story on the former Budapest deputy mayor.

In the Wake of Strasbourg’s Decision, Hungary Awaits an Announcement from the Handó Hearing

Navigating the Hungarian judicial system seems a bit like finding a foothold. Last Tuesday the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) announced that the prosecutors and courts responsible for the pretrial incarceration of Miklós Hagyó had violated several of his basic rights established and protected by the European Convention on Human Rights.

This was excellent news for the entrenched former Deputy Mayor of Budapest and socialist Member of Parliament.

The European Court of Human Rights Declares Hungary Guilty!

Hagyó Wins in Strasbourg! Just this morning the Second Section of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg, France delivered its decision on the case Hagyó vs Hungary. The court announced that it found the Hungarian judiciary guilty and thus in violation of all alleged charges. The official decision is here.

Hagyó, former Deputy Mayor of Budapest and Member of Parliament, lodged a complaint with the ECHR on September 6, 2010 regarding the circumstances of his pretrial detention.

European Court of Human Rights Ready to Announce Verdict about the Hagyó Case

According to Népszava, a Hungarian daily, the European Court of Human Rights announced that it will make a verdict on Tuesday, April 23 regarding the trial of former Budapest Deputy Mayor Miklós Hagyó.

Hagyó and his lawyer turned to the court in Strasbourg in 2010. Citing that investigators denied his basic rights established in the European Convention on Human Rights, the former MSZP leader claimed that Hungarian investigators specifically violated Article 3, Article 5, and Article 8. The petition is viewable on HagyoMiklos.com

HagyoMiklos.com Offers Documentary Facts

Miklós Hagyó’s digital presence has been expanding, which is great news considering it has come in the form of a few blogs and a website offering case-related documents.

 The website, hagyomiklos.com, has published information concerning much of his legal plight such as trial testimonies from Hagyó and other defendants.

While the Judiciary is Gagged, the Public is Blind

Even while under major scrutiny from the European Parliament and the U.S. Helsinki Commission for shady backroom politics, Hungary still persists on operating behind closed doors.

Just last week I wrote that the Constitutional Court had summoned President of the National Judicial Office (PNJO) Tünde Handó to provide a testimony in connection with her decisions to transfer certain trials from one tribunal to another. This is considered an alarming capability since courts usually represent a specific place on the political spectrum. 

The European Union Fights Back

Regarding a controversial piece of legislation passed by the Fidesz supermajority which hastily forced into early retirement 750 judges, in a time when retirement ages are increasing internationally due to economic forces, the European Commission and the European Parliament has decided to pursue a more proactive approach in dealing with Prime Minister Orbán and his Fidesz cronies.

 Prime Minister Orbán on the Defense

Source: http://www.bbj.hu/politics/ec-ready-to-check-hungarys-compliance-with-ruling-of-the-european-court-of-justice_65350

The Constitutional Court Levels the Playing Field: Tünde Handó Ordered to Testify on Hagyó Case

According to a recent article in Népszava, a Hungarian daily newspaper, the Hungarian Constitutional Court has ordered President of the National Judicial Office Tünde Handó to appear before the court on April 23rd. 

The Court is demanding a testimony from Handó about the questionable transfer of the Hagyó Case from the Budapest court system to the Kecskemét Tribunal.

Hagyó won a battle

In Strasbourg they adjudicated in the case of Hagyó Miklós, who is the main defendant in the BKV case. The European Court of Human Right adjudicated a few million forints compensation for the former deputy lord mayor, as they said: the authorities who restrained him violated the prohibition of the inhuman treatment and for the personal freedom, together with right of the legal redress/remedy. During this Handó Tünde, the president of the National Judicial Office strove/tried to explain the transference of the Hagyó case in front of the Constitutional Court.

The Hungarian authorities did multiple violation of law at the detention of Hagyó Miklós – said yesterday the European Court of Human Rights, therefore they obligated the Hungarian government to pay out 12.500 euro relief – this is 3,75 million forints – and 6000 euro law cost – further 1,8 million forints. The former deputy lord mayor who is the I defendant of the BKV case which is in the Kecskemét Tribunal turned to Strasbourg in 2010, because according to him they put him into pretrial detention unduly, and extended his duress provision several times. 

Hagyó case: verdict on Tuesday in Strasbourg

They will announcement on next Tuesday in Strasbourg in the case of the main defendant of the BKV, Hagyó Miklós. The former deputy lord mayor turned to the European Court of Human Rights in 2010, according to him the Hungarian investigation who restrained him made a violation of law. For example they hurt a lot of item of the European Convention of Human Rights, so the support for the rights of freedom and security, the prohibition of the inhuman treatment, and the right of the family life. 

According to Hagyó they put him into pretrial detention unduly and extended it more times despite his deteriorative health shape. According to his statement „he had no intention to escape to abroad” and he cooperated with the authorities from the beginning. Hagyó also detriment that with the allude to the danger of collusion after a while they prohibited to his partner to visit him over the visiting hours. Hagyó was in pretrial detention for almost 10 months, after this they put him into house arrest.